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Transition.js 2.0

Detangled in-Browser Webapp Testing


Transition.js is implemented in HTML and JavaScript, it depends on jQuery both for itself as well as for the web applications that it tests.

To get started, clone the Transition.js git repository:

$ cd ~/projects
$ git clone

In your project, symlink the `transition.js/public` directory within your Web application’s document root:

$ cd ~/projects/my-project/web-root
$ ln -s ~/transition.js/public ./transition

You should then be able to browse to /transition/index.html within your web application and see the test runner.

Implement your test suite in the file test-suite.js in your Web application’s document root. Optionally create a test-suite.html for any UI elements your tests require and it will be automatically appended to the Test UI’s <body> by the framework.

Continue on to the Documentation